Welcome to 

Medley Sailing Club

The Club

We are a family friendly dinghy sailing club within walking distance of the centre of Oxford.

We sail on the river Thames, between Rainbow Bridge at Medley and Godstow lock at Wolvercote, with racing from March to November on Sunday afternoons, and on Wednesday evenings from May to September - see calendar. Dedicated family and junior sailing, with service launch, is before the Sunday racing - 13:00-14:00 - but of course the river is available all year round!

There are about 120 members and about 85 boats in the club. Last year almost half the boats were raced; much higher than the national average. We also run a number of social events. Members are encouraged to take part in the club’s activities, including an early introduction into the running of sailing events.

There is an annual regatta, and social events throughout the year. Open days are held most years in May or June. 


Application form, fees and facilities

Racing information and details of sailing and social events 

Rules, history and the club magazine, The Ripple

Club boats

The club has 10 boats available for use by members, for £5/half day:

Members are welcome to use these boats at any time. There is also the opportunity to ‘Adopt a Topper’, whereby a member can pay for the insurance and River licence for a topper and have exclusive use of it for the year.


There are 3 main Racing fleets – British Moth, Fast, and Slow.

British Moths are the largest fleet, with currently around 40 of the single-handed 11ft dinghies, and 10-15 sailing regularly. This is the biggest Moth fleet in the UK and Medley runs an annual Moth open meeting which attracts a number of sailors from other clubs.

Fast – Enterprises, Lasers, and Merlins mainly make up the Fast fleet, with 4-6 Enterprises racing regularly.

Slow – Herons, Toppers and Mirror dinghies are the mainstay of the Slow fleet, and the Club is particularly keen to encourage members, especially youngsters, to take up sailing in this fleet.

Wind & weather

Contact us

Email us: Membership Secretary  |  Racing Secretary  | Commodore

Write to us: Medley Sailing Club, The Towpath, Binsey, Oxford, OX2 0NJ

In person: Pop along one Sunday afternoon (March to November) and ask for a committee member. The club is near Bossom's boatyard, downstream from the Perch Inn and the village of Binsey.